The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Twin Cities Vipassana Collective
2017-06-24 Sila Parami 33:07
Shelly Graf
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Awareness, Insight and Liberation

2017-06-23 Generosity Parami 38:13
Steve Armstrong
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Awareness, Insight and Liberation

2017-06-23 Parami: Overview 27:51
Steve Armstrong
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Awareness, Insight and Liberation

2017-06-22 Discernment - 5th Key to Unlocking your Heart 7:26
Steve Armstrong
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Awareness, Insight and Liberation

2017-06-22 Stability - 4th Key to Unlocking your Heart 11:54
Steve Armstrong
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Awareness, Insight and Liberation

2017-06-22 Remembering/Observing - 3rd Key to Unlocking your Heart 7:22
Steve Armstrong
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Awareness, Insight and Liberation

2017-06-22 Energy - 2nd Key to Unlocking your Heart 12:25
Steve Armstrong
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Awareness, Insight and Liberation

2017-06-22 Trust - 1st Key to Unlocking your Heart 20:50
Steve Armstrong
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Awareness, Insight and Liberation

2017-06-21 4th Noble Truth - Introduction to the Path 3:22
Steve Armstrong
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Awareness, Insight and Liberation

2017-06-21 3rd Noble Truth - Dukkha-Free Zones 14:55
Steve Armstrong
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Awareness, Insight and Liberation

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