The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Twin Cities Vipassana Collective
2020-02-18 Not-Self 53:28
Chas DiCapua
Understanding Not Self through the lens of change and interconnectedness
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Winter 2020

2020-02-16 Three Kinds of Dukkha (Suffering) 61:02
Rebecca Bradshaw
The Suffering of painful, pleasant, and neutral experiences and the freedom of letting go
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Winter 2020

2020-02-15 Conditionality 45:11
Chas DiCapua
How the conditioned nature of things gives rise to anicca, sukkah and anatta
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Winter 2020

2019-06-14 The Four Noble Truths 67:31
Steve Armstrong
Deeper insight into the Four Noble Truths, born from many years of practice.
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC Summer retreat

2019-06-11 The Ecology of Compassion 55:59
Kamala Masters
Learning to develop Compassion in the modern world
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC Summer retreat

2019-06-10 Have you suffered today? 59:37
Steve Armstrong
Learning how to deal with suffering with mindfulness and insight. This was Steve's first talk in 2 years of dealing with brain cancer.
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC Summer retreat

2019-06-09 Faith 69:50
Kamala Masters
Faith and practice in a Buddhist life
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC Summer retreat

2019-02-20 Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness 47:28
Chas DiCapua
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Twin Cities Vipassana Collective

2019-02-18 Working with the Hindrances 60:47
Chas DiCapua
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Twin Cities Vipassana Collective

2019-02-16 The Importance of the Body in our Practice 50:01
Chas DiCapua
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Twin Cities Vipassana Collective

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