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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Chas DiCapua's Dharma Talks at Twin Cities Vipassana Collective
Chas DiCapua
Chas DiCapua is currently the Insight Meditation Society's Resident Teacher, and has offered meditation since 1998. He is interested in how each person can fully and uniquely manifest the dharma. He teaches regularly at sitting groups and centers close to IMS.
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2024-02-22 Nowhere to go, Nothing to do, No one to be or become 49:53
Exploring the Buddha's teaching of Mano San Chetena. Letting go of the compulsion to do.
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC February 2024
2024-02-20 Wise Effort 40:58
Cultivating a receptive awareness with a light touch. Understanding the part intention plays in right effort
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC February 2024
2023-02-22 The Seven Factors of Awakening 47:50
The seven factors of awakening, what they are, how they relate to each other, and how to cultivate them
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC February 2023 retreat
2023-02-20 Nutriment 46:37
The Buddhist teachings on what, how and why the body and mind feed on sensory experience. Understanding what "food" is nourishing and how to cultivate it
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC February 2023 retreat
2023-02-18 The Relative and Absolute vView of Reality 43:55
Depending on how we view what is arising, it can look very different. The Buddhist path is about understanding and inhabiting these two views fully and deeply
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC February 2023 retreat
2022-02-22 Metta meditation 47:15
A guided meditation on metta
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC Winter Retreat 2022
2022-02-21 Aversion in meditation 51:57
A talk on dealing with aversion in meditation
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC Winter Retreat 2022
2022-02-20 Compassion 43:29
A talk on compassion
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC Winter Retreat 2022
2022-02-19 Chi Gong stance 46:18
A review of the basic Chi Song stance
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC Winter Retreat 2022
2020-02-18 Not-Self 53:28
Understanding Not Self through the lens of change and interconnectedness
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Winter 2020

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